IT Heatwave Action Plan

In the event of a heatwave, the activation and end of the Heatwave Action Plan will be announced on relevant communication channels by HSE, in particular on their mail page and the dedicated site

Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with the actions listed in the above page. You can talk to your supervisors to discuss different relevant options considering the workspace context, the needs of the service and personal situations, such as requesting extension of occasional teleworking and/or adapt working hours during heatwave periods, if it is compatible with tasks.

In IT specificity:

  • We have a certain number of Burotel and member of personnel can book any in lower floors which may be cooler.
  • The Secretariat has booked all free slots on the days concerned in IT amphitheatre and its annex, in 31/S and in 513 with the comment “Heat Wave Plan” for occupants to use during the days concerned.

Please remember to declare any incident using the Incident Declaration Form in EDH.