The page What goes Where and the list of Knowledge Base articles on Recycling / Waste (need to be signed in) are the source of information on how to recycle and dispose of various type of material at CERN.
Shared Storage Space
To free Office space, an IT equipment pool space is available to store and share computing items that are in working condition (e.g. screen, keyboard, PCs) but that aren't used at a given moment in time.
For a computer, please make sure you remove it from LANDB before giving it to the IT Equipment Pool.
If you need to access the storage (to store or borrow material), please contact the DSM.
How do I dispose of my furniture?
Keep them in your office. Do not dispose of unwanted furniture in the corridors.
If it is in working condition, please contact the DSM in case we have a need for it.
Then you can offer it in the IT Off-Topic Mattermost channel, to be collected from your office.
Last, you can ship it to B133 for recycling and reuse by filling a EDH SIT form (one SIT per location):
- Fill one SIT document per pickup location
- Nature: Furniture Transport
- From: the location where all the items are (groups the items together)
- To: 133 Storage Hall Meyrin
- Recipient: Jean-Francois Ecarnot
- Add one Item entry per type of item
- As comment indicate if the item is in working condition or not, or if the computer disk needs to be cleaned
- The dimensions are approximate
- The Total Amount for this purpose is 1 CHF
- To avoid mistakes add a photo of the items to be collected
- If you are sending a computing equipment (PCs, servers, screens), please inform Valentina Clavel in order to keep the inventory up to date
Once your SIT document submitted, print the request and tape it on the items.
Under which condition and how can I purchase computing equipment from CERN?
Primarily refer to the Storage, Recuperation and Sale pages. The private sales in B133 are open every Thursday morning and they accept payment with credit cards only.
The computing equipment of the department is primarily for the member of the department. Our obsolete equipment is sent to B133. From time to time we may have equipment that we can sell, if and only if they are older than 5 years old. The sale of this equipment remains subject to the department need. In other words, the possibility to buy does not mean an obligation to sell. Younger materiel or old equipment that is still needed in the department should be given to the IT equipment pool mentioned above. Please check with the Space Manager before proceeding with any step.
In order to purchase your (>5 years) old material, please refer to the Sale and recuperation of CERN property admin e-guide procedure and contact Valentina Clavel in the DPO office. You will need to:
- Have the OK of the Space Manager.
- Have the OK the DPO office.
- Fill the below Computer Material Sale Form.
- Have it signed by the DPO for his/her agreement.
- Clean the equipment from any CERN application and data by the support team.
- Remove the item from the inventory.
- Remove the item from landb.
- Find the DAI of the purchase of the equipment (for its original price).
- Send the DAI and the filled form to Jean-Francois Ecarnot who will send you a price.
- If you agree with the price, go to B133 on Thursday morning. The payment is with credit card only.